

Innovative Business Entrepreneurship for International Trade Program


Innovative Business Entrepreneurship for International Trade Program

Program Description


Bringing People Together 
The Saviour Professionals Training Programs (SPTP) are founded in order to bring together the students, fresh graduates, freelancers, business people and organizations from worldwide to create opportunities for themselves and others.

The Training Programs are designed for everyone who needs to acquire targeted skills; in particular specialists who want to broaden their knowledge and apply it into profitable practices. The training programs provide you with an opportunity to rapidly get up-to-speed on fundamentals of operational excellence. Participants expand industry networks.

Corporate and start-up entrepreneurs responsible for building new businesses based on breakthrough technologies, as well as managers responsible for new business. The training program provides you with an opportunity to rapidly speed up to get fundamentals of operational excellence. Participants do expand industry networks.

The SPTP teaches a mutual gains approach to negotiation. On the basis of role-playing exercises, lectures and discussion groups an integration of theory and practice is achieved that enables a dynamic, interactive learning process. International business is an evolving and dynamic field that challenges the ability of even the most seasoned professionals to keep abreast of policies, procedures, compliance requirements and best practices.

The programs have three main objectives. First, you develop a thorough understanding of corporate vision, mission and strategy, and how these variables relate to candidate’s business idea or interest. 

Second, you master the key competencies around Business Strategy, Marketing, Finance and Operations, in order to empower yourself in your business areas.

Third, you learn how to plan, execute and control your strategies and business plans. And throughout, you strengthen your leadership competencies.

During these training programs you learn to become a successful importer and exporter in the global market. You learn right from introduction, documentation, practical knowledge, transportation, insurance, industry exposure, international business law and your own business project. In this theme you will investigate the possibilities of expanding a business on an international level and find or create business opportunities. With SPTP you develop a holistic perspective on leadership and you grow by reflecting on your own leadership approach in crisis situations. 

Candidates gain practical knowledge and hands-on experience on all aspects involved with creating and implementing their business ideas.

Course Content

The Savior Professionals Training Programs to helps you quickly enter or advance in today's fastest-growing fields. Our academy certifications and credentials give you strong, marketable skills without earning a college degree. 

Our elite International Business Management program and EXIM operations Management (Executive- Fast track program) construct education and experience; these programs develop and strengthen specific competencies in International Business Management. We train our candidate from a global business perspective.

A strong practical component complemented by case studies, industry exposure, market research, business tours and group work to develop implementation skills. 

We offer two types of courses:

  • International Business Management: This course is designed for 10+2, diploma holders, fresh graduates (other than business field) and experienced business person (no graduate). This course includes all subjects.
  • EXIM operations (Executive- Fast track): This course is designed for BBA/MBA and experienced business person (graduate). This course includes only EXIM related subjects with options (with proof of previous knowledge).

Subjects for International Business Management:

  1. Fundamentals of International Business
  2. Business Economics (Microeconomics and Macroeconomics)
  3. International Business Law and Practice
  4. Entrepreneurial Forecasting and Planning
  5. Business Ethics
  6. Intercultural Communications (Pragmatics)
  7. International Marketing
  8. Effective Business Writing skills
  9. Effective Research Proposals
  10. Competition Law Compliance
  11. Consumer Behavior
  12. Digital Marketing And New Media (E-Business)
  13. Entrepreneurship Development
  14. Basic Business Mathematics
  15. Business Finance
  16. Contracts Law
  17. Transportation of Goods
  18. Insurance
  19. Language (intended country)
  20. Payment methods
  21. Export procedure and Documentations
  22. Global Marketing Strategy
  23. Strategic Business Planning
  24. Tender Writing
  25. Industry exposure
  26. Project Management

Subjects for EXIM operations (Executive- Fast track):

  1. Intercultural Communications (Pragmatics) *
  2. International Marketing
  3. Effective Business Writing skills*
  4. Effective Research Proposals*
  5. Competition Law Compliance*
  6. Consumer Behavior*
  7. Digital Marketing And New Media (E-Business)
  8. Contracts Law*
  9. Transportation of Goods
  10. Insurance*
  11. Language (intended country)
  12. Payment methods*
  13. Export procedure and Documentations*
  14. Global Marketing Strategy*
  15. Strategic Business Planning*
  16. Tender Writing
  17. Industry exposure*
  18.  Project Management*

* compulsory subjects

Admission requirements

Our intended group of participants consists of students, fresh graduates, freelancers, business people, small sized industries and medium sized industries.

  • Any individual who wants to be an Entrepreneur
  • 10+2 qualified, or
  • Graduate in any discipline from a Recognized University,
  • Diploma in any discipline from a Recognized University,
  • Abstract thinking
  • The ambition to grow further as a strategic and inspiring leader
  • Willingness and capacity to change perspectives

Program Objectives

Firstly, the training programs enable participants to develop and strengthen their skills in business development, business associations, team building and execution of strategies to achieve profitable business: participants would learn the language of their potential customers. It would help them to align with changing demands, resources & opportunities and delivery with the corporate vision, mission and strategy.

Secondly, participants will have gained theoretical and practical knowledge of import & export procedures and documentations would be advantageous to pursue their business goals.

At the end of the training program, participants would be able to anticipate on the intercultural implications of international market entry and international cooperation with importers and exporters in the EU region.


SPTP, offers a broad and flexible portfolio of international business techniques. The SPTP follows 3N : 

1. ‘Never Stop Asking’, 

2. ‘Never Stop Believing’ 

3. ‘Never Stop trying’, 

This is reflected in programs that are rooted in leading practical business operations, and designed to address the specific needs of individuals and organizations in the evolving world of business. 

You do not follow the training at just any training institute. In fact you create opportunities for yourself and others. 

  • Interactive, international and inspiring program 
  • Strong connection between theory and your own practice 
  • Fundamentals - innovation and innovation strategy 
  • The right conditions for innovation - leadership, culture & structure 

Managing the innovation process and the business model: road mapping, portfolio Communicating a Convincing Business Case Discussion of the Business Cases 

At the end of the program, the trainees will be granted a certificate of completion from Saviour Professionals.

Dates and Fees

Training start dates: 

  1. January 27, 2025 
  2. March 03, 2025
  3. April 01, 2025


  • The application fee is € 111 (inc. 21% VAT) non-refundable.
  • The training program fee is € 7,500 (inc. 21% VAT) including course materials and airport pickup. This fee does not include accommodation. *Special Discounts for our Agents (€6655)*


The program takes place at the training center of Saviour Professionals. 

Payment: Bank Transfer to the following account

Account name: Saviour Professionals

IBAN: NL86 INGB 0006 7500 60


Bank name: ING Bank N.V.

Bank Address: Amsterdamse Poort
                           Bijlmerplein 888
                           1102 MG Amsterdam
                           The Netherlands

How to APPLY?

Step 1: To apply please email the following documents:

  • CV
  • Scan copy of the passport
  • Proof of education qualification
  • Statement of purpose (minimum 250 words)

Step 2: Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed online

Step 3: Selected candidates must pay the application fees, 111 € (non-refundable)

Step 4: Issuance of admission letter

Step 5: Payment of the course fee or program fee € 6850

For any queries or details email us at

Payment: Bank Transfer to the following account

Account name: Saviour Professionals

IBAN: NL86 INGB 0006 7500 60


Bank name: ING Bank N.V.

Bank Address: Amsterdamse Poort
                           Bijlmerplein 888
                           1102 MG Amsterdam
                           The Netherlands

General terms and conditions

Our general terms and conditions apply when you register for the SPTP. Please review them to learn more about our policies for cancellation, deferral, and substitution.

General Terms and Conditions of Saviour Professionals Training Program

In these General Terms and Conditions the articles are given as follows:

Article 1 Validity of written documents

Written document or by sent via electronic means is valid according to the Dutch Civil Code (Article 6:227a): Agreements formed by electronic means (If a statutory provision implies that an agreement can only be formed validly and inviolably (unchangeable) in writing, then this formal requirement will be met as well if the agreement is entered into by electronic means and the agreement is and remains accessible for the parties.

Article 2 Applicability

2.1 The General Terms and Conditions apply to all offers for SPTP by SP, and upon registration, for the SPTP a Participant unconditionally accepts these General Terms and Conditions.
2.2 Participant has received and accepted these General Terms and Conditions prior to completion of his/her Application for the SPTP.
2.3 Deviations from these General Terms and Conditions are only binding as far as they have been agreed in writing and signed by both Parties.

Article 3 Registration & Admission

3.1 To apply for the SPTP a Participant applies by email as mentioned on SP’s website (How to APPLY?). A completed and signed application form with the fee (€100) must be submitted, when supplied to the Participant by the SP. To complete the registration a Participant will receive notice of admission in Writing from SP.
3.2 Confirmation of admission by SP shall mean that the Participant undertakes to pay the agreed course fees, and shall abide by other terms and conditions set out in these terms and conditions. If a third party sponsors the Participant for all or part of his/her course fees, SP will invoice that third party upon mutual request of the Participant and his/her sponsor. Should a sponsor fail to pay the fees when they become due, the Participant shall become solely and entirely responsible for payment.
3.3 Registration takes place for the entire SPTP and for the study period indicated on the admission letter unless agreed otherwise.
3.4 SP may determine admission requirements for Participants to SPTP, and/or limit the window during which a Participant can register, and/or limit the number of participants admitted to the SPTP.

Article 4 Code of Conduct

SP reserves the right to take any action it deems appropriate (including expulsion) against a Participant in case his/her behavior towards SP staff or fellow candidates provide sufficient reasons for doing so, or if a Participant acts in violation of any generally accepted code of conduct, law, or regulation and/or knowingly breaches scientific integrity standards.

Article 5 Academic content

5.1 SP is entitled to deviate from the course description as provided in the promotional materials if SP cannot be reasonably required to execute the SPTP in full as announced.
5.2 In case of deviations from the announced course description SP shall put in best efforts to match the original description of the SPTP as closely as possible.
5.3 Deviations in the program content may lead to changes in course material and/or lecturers. Participants shall be notified of such changes in writing. Changes introduced by SP will not affect the fee offered to Participants upon registration.

Article 6 Fees and Payment

6.1 The course fee is payable within thirty (30) days of the invoice date, or before the start of the SPTP, whichever date comes first. If payment has not been received in full before the start date of the SPTP, SP may refuse the Participant access to the SPTP.
6.2 SP reserves the right at all times to require security for payment in a form determined by SP.
6.3 SP is entitled to full compensation for all costs and fees incurred in the event of late payment or non-payment of its invoice.
6.4 Alumni of SPTP are entitled to a 10% discount on the standard SPTP fees. However, this discounted rate cannot be combined with other discounts.

Article 7 Cancellation

7.1 If circumstances so require, or the number of applicants for the SPTP is insufficient to run the program efficiently, SP may decide to cancel the SPTP. It shall inform participants about this as soon as possible but no later than at least two (2) weeks before the intended start date of the SPTP. In the event of a cancellation, course fees already paid shall be refunded promptly and in full (excluding bank charges and application fees).
7.2 SP may offer Participants an alternative start date for the original program. If Participants accept the newly proposed start date there shall be no refund of the course fees.
7.3 The Participant has the right to cancel his/her participation subject to the conditions set out in this clause.
 a) A cancellation must be sent by e-mail to the Program Manager of the program a Participant registered for or to The cancellation notice must contain a copy of the notice of admission which the Participant received after registration.
 b) The Participant has the right to cancel his/her participation free of charge within a term of fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of the written confirmation of the registration unless the start date of the SPTP is within that term.
7.4 As of the moment of registration, SP starts incurring one-off costs and expenses on behalf of the Participant to deliver the SPTP to the Participant. In order to recover the costs and expenses incurred with the first registration, SP is entitled to charge a cancellation fee to the Participant. As the costs and expenses incurred are dependent on the moment the request for cancellation is received, the cancellation fee is calculated as follows:

25% of the program fee if the cancellation notice is received 14 days or more before the start date;

75% of the program fee if the cancellation notice is received between 13 and 8 days before the start date;

100% of the program fee if the cancellation notice is received 7 days or less before the start date;

100% of the program fee if the cancellation notice is received after the program has started.

Article 8 Deferral and Substitution

8.1 The Participant has the right to defer (postpone) his/her participation once subject to the following conditions:
 (a) he/she provides written notice thereof by e-mail to the Program Manager of the program a Participant registered for or to
 (b) if notice is given within 4 weeks prior to the start date of the SPTP, costs and expenses have been incurred and 25% of the program fee will be charged by SP,
 (c) the Participant will partake in the SPTP within one (1) year from the SPTP for which he/she originally registered,
 (d) the Participant pays the cancellation fee set out in clause 7.4 above if the Participant defers his/her participation for a second time.
8.2 A Participant has the right to replace himself/herself with a substitute candidate for the entire SPTP, provided that the substitute candidate meets any admission requirements set by SP, and agrees to do any required pre-program work. The Participant will inform SP as soon as possible after deciding that he/she will need to be replaced, providing SP with all necessary and/or requested details to process such a change. A substitute candidate will be asked to fill out a registration form. To guarantee the quality of the program experience, SP reserves the right to reject the substitute. Changes to the program registrations may affect any previously applied discounts (e.g. the multiple program registration discounts), and may result in an increase in individual program registration fees.

Article 9 Privacy and Data Security

SP will process Participant’s personal data as part of its performance under this agreement with Participant. In doing so, SP will at all times adhere to the applicable privacy laws including the General Data Protection Regulation. To learn more about why we need to process your data, which data we process, and your rights as a data subject.

Article 10 Liability

10.1 SP exercises great care when composing the Course Material it provides. However, SP does not guarantee the completeness and the correctness of Course Material. Liability for damage arising from any decision or action based on the Course Material and/or information otherwise provided within the context of the SPTP is expressly excluded.
10.2 If Participant incurs damage in respect of which SP found him/ her liable by a court of law, that liability shall at all times be limited to a maximum amount that is the highest of (1) the program fee payable by Participant on the basis of the agreement with SP, or (2) the amount for which SP has taken out insurance to cover the incurred damages.

Article 11 Termination of Agreement 

SP has reserved all rights to terminate the agreement without any indemnity becoming due if a Participant breaches an obligation arising from the agreement and fails to repair such a breach within a reasonable period of time after being ordered in writing to do so and after receiving a warning in Writing from SP continues in this failure to comply.

Article 12 Applicable law, disputes

12.1 These General Terms and Conditions are governed by the law of the Netherlands.
12.2 All disputes and/or claims arising from or based on these terms and conditions shall be brought before and judged by the courts in Enschede (Netherlands).

Article 13 Inform to IND

In case the candidate would not be able to attend the course when it starts, SP would inform IND about the cancellation of the candidature. It will be subject to cancellation of visa URGENTLY.

Article 14 Leaving the Netherlands 

After successful completion of the course, the candidate must leave the country before his/ her visa expires otherwise it will lead to illegal stay status of the candidate and hence do not try to stay illegally in the Netherlands. If the candidate does so, he/she would be solely responsible. SP does not entertain/ encourage such activities.