
Rent Allowance/Bank installments due to COVID-19

For rent allowance:

The Saviour Professionals created the housing allowance (also known as rental allowance or rent benefit) as a financial contribution towards the costof a rented dwelling specially for those who are suffering from COVID 19 crisis or loss of job or business or has less income. Inaddition, there is a maximum rent eligible for subsidization. In order to be eligible for the housing allowance you have to meet certain conditions.

Do you live in a rented house? If so, you may be entitled to the rent benefit. This is a contribution towards your rental costs.

For bank loan installaments:

If you have bank loan and cannot pay the installments then please submit your bank loan doucments with the application and mention about it in the cover letter.

Conditions for the rent benefit / loan intallments

These are the conditions for you :

  • You are 18 years of age or older from any country and living any any country. You rent independent or shared accommodation.
  • You have a rent agreement (or loan documents).
  • Your rent, (combined) income and capital are not too high.
  • Your rent is equal to or higher than 50% of your income. (intallment in case of bank loan)
  • You can prove all the above conditions through documents as mentioned in the application form.

Type of housing

Residence that qualify as independent housing include:

  1. Apartments
  2. Private rooms
  3. Flats
  4. House / Villa
  5. Split house/dwelling with one address
  6. Shared apartment
  7. Trailer

How we work?

Arrange your housing allowance in 3 simple steps.

  1. Calculate your refund;
  2. Fill in the requested data
  3. Claim / alter or stop your housing allowance via our online form.

After completion and payment you will receive a confirmation e-mail with an overview of your application. Our mission is to maximize your benefit so upon receipt of the application our tax professionals will assess your application and will contact you via e-mail or telephone in case of any questions. After the assessment we will file your application with the Finance Department. Within 4-8 weeks you will receive the decision of the Finance Department. The allowance will be paid out on your bank account a week after.

As of which date can I apply for the housing allowance? 

30 June 2020

Formalities and requirements (documents)

Registration municipality/town hall
 In order to receive housing allowance you have to be registered with the municipality where you live.

You can apply for housing allowance up to June 30, 2020.


Age (=>18 years)
You are entitled to housing allowance as of the month following the month in which you turned 18 years.

Required personal data / information 

To apply for the housing allowance you are required to provide the following information. Please note that incorrect information can lead to the obligation to payback (a part of) the housing allowance at the end of the year.

To apply for the housing allowance the following information is required:

  1. Your name and (if applicable) of your partner;
  2. Your address
  3. Your social security number (BSN) (if applicable);
  4. Bank account number (IBAN); (When you receive confirmation from our finance department)
  5. Estimation of your annual gross income and (if applicable) the income of your partner;
  6. Rent payable per month. Note: this is excluding service costs;
  7. Copy of your rental agreement;
  8. Your birth date and nationality, incl. and (if applicable) of your partner;

Application Form

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